White Nude with Imported Flowers in Rustic Style Bridal Bouquet


Elegant Pink Tulip Bouquet - 15 Fresh Stems

Indulge in the simple elegance of our hand-selected 15 stems pink tulip bouquet, a breath-taking symbol of affection and care. Priced at Rp1,650,000, this bouquet is crafted with the utmost attention to detail, featuring a delicate blend of the finest tulips accented with whimsical sprigs of greenery, creating an enchanting floral display.

Each stem is carefully chosen for its vibrant color and vitality, ensuring a stunning bouquet that stands out in any setting. The soft pink hues are complemented by the rustic charm of natural green, making it a versatile choice for a variety of occasions, from romantic gestures to heartfelt congratulations.

Terms & Conditions :
- Arrangement will be customized by our designers based on package's type and tone which has been chosen by the customer.
- Type of flowers may be vary depends on their blooming season.
- Our designers have full rights to replace the chosen flowers with others type which the stock is available during that week.

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