Orchard of Luck
Available in 4 colors : orange, purple, white and pink
Terms & Conditions :
1. Guidelines are for illustration purposes only.
2. Arrangement size depends on type of flowers and their blooming conditions.
3. No significant difference for the close-price range.
4. Custom arrangement will be arranged based on customer choice (package type, budget, palette).
5. Fully rights is given to designers which type of flowers varies depending on their availability in every week
6. If there are ornaments being used for special events collections (e.g., Christmas, Chinese New Year, Eid Fitr, Valentine's Day, etc.), our designers will select them based on their availability and the arrangement's tone.
100 Stems Roses + weekly fillers - Round New Korean Style
Variants :
Single Color : consists only 1 color of roses
Multi Colors : consists more than 1 color of roses to create the selected theme
Terms & Conditions :
- Arrangement will be customized by our designers based on package's type and tone which has been chosen by the customer.
- Type of flowers may be vary depends on their blooming season.
- Our designers have full rights to replace the chosen flowers with others type which the stock is available during that week.